Jackson Browne / The Pretender (US, Asylum Records, 7E-1079) <November 1976> その③


Jackson Browne / The Pretender (US, Asylum Records, 7E-1079) <November 1976> その③
(SIDE ONE) 7E-1079 A-1 CSM
(SIDE TWO) 7E-1079 B-1 CSM

1976年発表のJackson Browneの4枚目のオリジナル・アルバム。ローリング・ストーン誌の「オールタイム・ベストアルバム500」391位の名作。

アルバム作成中にJackson Browneの1人目の妻、モデル・女優だったPhyllis MajorがJackson Browneとの間に出来た2歳半の子どもEthanを残して服薬自殺しており、そのことを忘れては語れないアルバムでしょう(本人は「自殺の前に出来ていた曲が多かったのに、すべてあのことと結びつけられて解釈されている」と違和感を表明してはいますが)。

シングル・カットされた"Here Come Those Tears Again"は Phyllis Majorの母親Nancy Farnsworthが"Late for the Sky"発表後のツアーを訪れた際に「作りかけの曲を完成させて欲しい」と頼んだと言われる曲です。歌詞を読むと、自殺後の曲に思えるんですけどね。

"Here Come Those Tears Again"

Here come those tears again
Just when I was getting over you
Just when I was going to make it through
Another night without missing you
Thinking I might just be strong enough after all
When I hear your footsteps echoing in the hall

Baby here we stand again
Like we've been so many times before
Even though you looked so sure
As I was watching you walking out my door
But you always walk back in like you did today
Acting like you never even went away

Well I don't know if I can
Open up and let you in baby
Here come those tears
Here come those tears again

I can hear you telling me
How you needed to be free
And you had some things to work out alone
Now you're standing here telling me
How you have grown

Here come those tears again
Now you'll tell me how to hold them in
Here come those tears
Here come those tears again

Some other time baby
When I'm strong and feeling fine maybe
When I can look at you without crying
You might look like a friend of mine
But I don't know if I can
Open up enough to let you in
Here come those tears
Here come those tears again
Just walk away
I'm going back inside and turning out those light
And I'll be in the dark but you'll be out of sight

このコピーのマトが(side 1) 7E-1079 SP A 7E 1079-A 1-1 (side 2) 7E-1079 B SP 1-3 です。もう一方の白ラベルのプロモ盤とはラベルの文字やデザインが異なりますので、興味がある方は見てみて下さい。
