Paul Simon / Still Crazy After All These Years (US, Columbia, PC 33540) <October 25, 1975> その①


Paul Simon / Still Crazy After All These Years (US, Columbia, PC 33540) <October 25, 1975> その①
(SIDE 1) PAL 33540-3F
(SIDE 2) PBL 33540-3F

"My Little Town"

In my little town
I grew up believing
God keeps his eye on us all
And He used to lean upon me
As I pledged allegiance to the wall
Lord, I recall
My little town
Coming home after school
Flying my bike past the gates
Of the factories
My mom doing the laundry
Hanging our shirts
In the dirty breeze

And after it rains
There's a rainbow
And all of the colors are black
It's not that the colors aren't there
It's just imagination they lack
Everything's the same
Back in my little town

Nothing but the dead and dying
Back in my little town
Nothing but the dead and dying
Back in my little town

In my little town
I never meant nothin'
I was just my father's son
Saving my money
Dreaming of glory
Twitching like a finger
On the trigger of a gun
Leaving nothing but the dead and dying
Back in my little town

Nothing but the dead and dying
Back in my little town
Nothing but the dead and dying
Back in my little town

"The Boxer"と同様に、ポール・サイモンの自伝的な意味合いのある歌なのかなと思いながら聴きました。"Nothing but the dead and dying back in my little town"なんて歌ってしまったとしたら、それはそれで勇気がいるなと。Stingが生まれた町についてインタビューで「いい町だよ、つばを吐き捨てるには」というような軽口をたたいたら、次の日にはその町にいる兄から怒りの電話がかかってきて平謝りした・・・というエピソードを思い出しました。
