Ron Sexsmith / The Last Rider (CD, Japan, Octave, OTCD-6074) <2017>


Ron Sexsmith / The Last Rider (CD, Japan, Octave, OTCD-6074) <2017>

発表された時には全く気がつきませんでしたが、明らかに「最後の晩餐(The Last Supper)」を意識したジャケットとタイトルです(日本語のライナーでちゃんと触れられていましたが、読んでませんでした・・・)。ロンセクは2017年12月を最後にライヴを行っておらず、HPも全然更新されていません。近年は言動が病んでいるように感じられる事もありましたから・・・・寂しいことですが「引退」ということなのでしょうか。遠くない未来にカムバックすることを願っています。

Everything in life is passing through it seems
And what you're feeling now will fade away
Like some forgotten dream
The sun will kiss your eyelids open
You'll wake to find your heart unbroken
You may not see it now
But just hold on
Because it won't last for long

Loneliness is moving in as if to stay
He's made himself at home inside your heart
There's nothing left to say
But soon the light will send him packing
He'll find the conversation lacking
You'll wake up one fine day
And he'll be gone
I know it won't last for long

Take it from a friend who's been around
Soon you'll make it to the end I know
Where new beginnings can be found

Everything in life is passing through it seems
And what you're feeling now will fade away
Like some forgotten dream
The sun will kiss your eyelids open
You'll wake to find your heart unbroken
You may not see it now
But just hold on
Because it won't last for long
Well I know it won't last for long
