Darrin Lettinga
I live in Michigan in the United States. I have been collecting stamps since I was 10 years old. There are some countries that I specialize in including Japan, Korea, Romania before 1970, US, Canada and more. I am a member of the ISJP (International Society of Japanese Philately), KSS (Korea Stamp Society), TSF (The Stamp Forum, an APS affiliate) and locally, here in my hometown, KPS (Kent Philatelic Society). I maintain a blog on Facebook called Definitively Stamps, a specialty group on Facebook, Korean Philately, and the blog page for our local group, Kent Philatelic Society.
Lab Logs
Since September 2023
My museum is dedicated to postage stamps, postal history, postmarks and covers of Japan.
A collection devoted to the 2 sen kiku showing various usages on cover, son and other interesting cancels, large blocks and multiples.
2 sen Kiku, international printed matter usage
(2) 2 sen stamps on postal card, 4 sen international rate to Newark, NJ, United States
2 sen domestic usage
2 sen Postal Savings Card issued in 1903
2 sen Japan, Offices in China, Shanghai Roman letter, comb cancel
Combination franking with 2 sen, postcard from Yokohama, Japan to Sailor on Austrian Navy ship, SMS Radetzky