Fanta Orange From Finland 🇫🇮
Finnish Fantas can be quite a difficult to obtain given the country rarely ever exports it's main beverage brands to other countries, even it's neighbouring ones. Luckily, someone from Finland was selling this and a few other beverages online so I brought them. As expected Fantas from Finland don't appear in the United Kingdom. I got this Fanta from someone selling them online from Finland, later during very early March of 2024, I reviewed it in the small town of Crieff, a part of the Perth and Kinross area. Known for it very local market with plenty of exclusive products. It's also known for the Strathearn Gallery. This Fanta had a orange citrus artificial orange taste matched with a hint of a natural orange undertone. Sweeter than the usual Fantas throughout Scandinavian countries. It was fairly mild in carbonation and had a light aftertaste. #Fanta #Orange #Finland
Soda Fanta 500 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Zero Sugar Lemon From Sweden 🇸🇪
The Fanta Zero Sugar lemon from Sweden appears very commonly throughout Reykjavik. Completely replacing the availability of the original Fanta lemon flavour of Iceland within the capital. Even convenience stores like Bónus, Hagkaup or Krónan typically have this version in stock over the usual Icelandic Fanta lemon. I got this Fanta in the aforementioned city of Reykjavik, Iceland's capital, in a budget convenience store called Bónus. Later I reviewed it just outside the store. All during late February of 2024. World's dispenser is not necessarily bad it has a metallic aftertaste the offsets the main citrus flavor it's light on the lemon flavour but it still got a nice clean citrus aftertaste that's also highly carbonated. #Fanta #Lemon #Sweden
Soda Fanta 230 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Orange No Sugar From Norway 🇳🇴
So it almost feels weird to say but the Fanta no sugar varieties are actually shared between Iceland and Norway, mainly the orange flavour being made in Norway and exported locally over to Iceland. However Iceland already has its own full sugar Fanta orange flavor that is locally produced. Making this quite a interesting production process. Ironically, the Fanta no sugar is more popular than the full sugar orange Fanta made in this country. I got this Fanta from my local store in Reykjavik and later reviewed it on the Skólavörðustígur Rainbow Street in the city. Reykjavik has a notoriously large list of things to do and see which I can't list all here, but it is the capital of Iceland. I reviewed this Fanta in late February of 2024. This Fanta orange was significantly worse than the Icelandic version I had previously tried whilst it's not as atrocious as say Spain's zero sugar Fanta is definitely got a artificial sweetener flavor and the orange taste is really watered down here it's pretty highly carbonated overall lackluster in flavour and it kind of leads a little bit of a metallic aftertaste. #Fanta #Norway #Orange
Soda Fanta 200 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Orange from Iceland 🇮🇸
So this might come across a surprising but the country of Iceland's Fantas are actually quite rare, never being exported to the United Kingdom. There being predominantly three flavours produced in the country with the only problem being that the flavours are either seasonal or regional. When I arrived in Reykjavik, Iceland's capital I could not find any other locally produced Fanta except Orange. I got this Fanta in Reykjavik's Keflavík International Airport when arriving into the country, later when reaching the capital, at the Tjörnin lake. Reykjavik has a an abundance of things to do too much to explain here. But it the well known capital of the country of Iceland. I reviewed this during late February of 2024 This was actually the first Fanta I had officially reviewed outside of the United Kingdom . It was quite a strong natural orange flavour that was sweeter than the usual versions we see across Europe and had a additional orange spike in it's aftertaste. This was very highly carbonated too. #Fanta #Iceland #Orange
Soda Fanta 450 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Big Red From Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹
An interesting name for a Fanta flavour, this particular version particular version is exported to across the Caribbean in the same name separate from the other Fantas or Fanta family beverages made in other local countries. Of course, this particular flavoyr represents as the exclusive Fanta for Trinidad and Tobago and bears a striking name similarly to the Texan Big Red soda as both sodas are actually kind of identical in colour. The flavour is a nod different. Trinidad and Tobago's Fantas are never exported over to the United Kingdom but they are typically very common in the US and occasionally can be purchased online. Despite this I haven't actually seen the orange or grape flavour that are made in Trinidad and Tobago. I got this Fanta from a store over in the US and later on, during mid February of 2024, reviewed it in the city of Norwich in the Norfolk County. A city popular for its gothic architecture castles and aviation museum. Overall this Fanta had a unique flavor almost like a strawberry mix cream soda taste the closest thing it tasted similar to is Fruity extreme red from Barbados however it is distinct in flavour having a more pronounced kola champagne flavour additionally added. #Fanta #Red #Trinidad #Tobago
Soda Fanta 450 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Blue Orange (Non Carbonated) From Greece 🇬🇷
A non-carbonated orange-flavored phantom seem a little bit weird but it's a commonly made flavour in Greece with there in the past being a few different versions across Europe famously in a carton. The version from Greece is the only version that is still produced to this day however and it is not typically exported to the United Kingdom. As with all Fantas from Greece. I got this Fanta online from a store that's sold beverages from the Mediterranean. Later I reviewed this beverage during mid February of 2024 in the cathedral city of Norwich within Norfolk County famous for its gothic architecture castles and aviation museum. Whilst it interesting Fanta version especially given they use the highest percentage of fruit juice in this Fanta throughout the globe. Containing a whopping 20% quite lower it compared to the United Kingdom's 4%. It has a strong natural orange flavor that is very much not sweetened, this one completely lacking carbonation. Instead a slightly watered down but dry orange flavour. #Fanta #Greece #Orange
Soda Fanta 193 YenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Shokata From Serbia 🇷🇸
So the Fanta Shokata made in Serbia always shows up in the United Kingdom, originally appearing as these liter bottles. They're now more commonly seen as in their usual 500ml bottle size. I got this Fanta previously towards the end of 2023 in Luton, a large town in the county of Bedfordshire. Later, during mid February of 2024, I reviewed it in the city of Norwich, a major cathedral city and nature spot in the centre of the Norfolk county, famous for it's gothic type architecture, castle and an aviation Museum. This Fanta had a more natural lemon taste with slightly weaker hints of an artificial elderflower taste that reminded me of a syrup. The carbonation was quite high though the beverage was nothing too special. #Fanta #Elderflower #Serbia
Soda Fanta 300 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Orange From Türkiye 🇹🇷
So for the majority of 2024, I only saw this Fanta in a large bottle imported from Türkiye. Towards the end of 2024 however, I began to see the odd can here or there. Türkiye refuses to exported their other Fanta flavours which are considered extremely rare due to them only being available in certain regions in Türkiye. Fantas luke their Watermelon, Tangerine, 2024 What the Fanta and Lemon are all regional and not typically available. I got this Fanta in a store in Luton, a major town in the Bedfordshire county area, later during mid February of 2024, I reviewed it in the town of Whitey in Oxfordshire County nearby Oxford. Known for it's historical landmark of Minster Lovell Hall and Dovecote and The Witney Blanket Hall for locally made blankets. This Fanta had a citrus orange mix taste with a slightly more artificial edge backed with a little more sweetness and a very light natural orange aftertaste. It was mild in carbonation. #Fanta #Orange #Türkiye
Soda Fanta 450 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta WTF 2023 From Serbia 🇷🇸
The What The Fanta From Serbia features the same popular flavour for the majority of Europe, being poo- I mean strawberry cheesecake that's coloured purple. This one however is a little more purple than say Bosnia's or ours in the United Kingdom. This Fanta is quite popular in the bigger size here in small convenience stores. I got this Fanta in a store in Bedford, a medium sized town in Bedfordshire county near London. Later, during mid February of 2024, reviewed in the small town of Whitey in west Oxfordshire. Know for it's historical landmark of Minster Lovell Hall and Dovecote and The Witney Blanket Hall for locally made blankets. This Fanta had the delightful taste of a dry strawberry cheesecake taste with notes of an artificial sweetener taste which haunted my mouth during the aftertaste. This was not great in any capacity and was apocalyptically bad. The carbonation was quite high though. #Fanta #Serbia #Cheesecake #Mystery
Soda Fanta 400 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Pineapple Grapefruit From Ireland 🇮🇪
Depending on which version you are trying to get, the orange and lemon flavours are quite common throughout the United Kingdom in budget convenience stores but the pineapple grapefruit flavour isn't too common to see outside of the odd 24 hour convenience store. The most notable visible difference between the two versions is the Irish Fanta uses a blue lid while the United Kingdom version typically uses a green, gray or dark blue lid. This Fanta is the rebranded version of Lilt, a former Fanta family brand. I got this Fanta in a village called Balloch and during late January of 2024, reviewed it in Balloch in West Dunbartonshire county. Balloch is very well known for having the largest Loch lake in Scotland and having a Sea Life centre. This Fanta unlike Lilt had a more watered down grapefruit flavour which is unfortunately the main flavour this time with a small hint of pineapple towards the end of the beverage. It was also highly carbonated. #Fanta #Pineapple #Grapefruit #Ireland
Soda Fanta 300 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Lemon From Czechia 🇨🇿
Fanta lemon from Czechia is kinda challenging to find commonly due to the fact that the United Kingdom doesn't import other countries lemon flavoured Fantas. Although you can see quite a difference between our Fanta lemon and Czechia's in it's colour alone. Czechia Fantas are generally quite odd on if or where in the United Kingdom they'll appear at. I got this Fanta from a store in Glasgow and later reviewed it during late January of 2024, in the neighbouring town of Alexandria in the West Dunbartonshire county. Known for it's small local shopping centre, the Lomond Galleries and a small outlet called the Antartex Village. This Fanta had a stronger lemon taste with a light lemon cake flavour. Packed with sweetness but also a clean sour edge. The carbonation was also quite high. #Fanta #Lemon #Czechia
Soda Fanta 400 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Berry From Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
This is the third Fanta from Puerto Rico I've reviewed and this one had a slight design difference on the side, including a raspberry along side the blueberries on the can. It's noticeably more rare apparently in Puerto Rico as well. I got this Fanta online from someone in Puerto Rico and later reviewed it in coastal city of Dundee within the Firth of Tay area, just under 40 miles north of Edinburgh. All during late January of 2024. Dundee is a city known for it's V&A museum and its bridge that connects it to the town of St Andrew. This Fanta had a more blue raspberry berry mix flavour than the US version and that raspberry does appear briefly in the aftertaste as well. This was the most carbonated out of the 3 Fantas from Puerto Rico I've tried so far. #Fanta #Berry #PuertoRico
Soda Fanta 500 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Grape From Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
Fanta's from Puerto Rico are typically never exported, making any Fanta from the country quite rare. I hear the grape flavour occasionally ends up in Miami in the US though. The grape flavour for Puerto Rico has been a long standing flavour within the country so it isn't too difficult to get there. The most difficult Fantas to get from Puerto Rico now would be the Banana flavour and Kola Champagne, both of which have been discontinued for sometime now. I got this Fanta online from someone in Puerto Rico and later reviewed it in coastal city of Dundee within the Firth of Tay area in far north above Edinburgh. All during late January of 2024. Dundee is a city known for it's V&A museum and its bridge that connects it to the town of St Andrew. This Fanta had a more natural grape flavour than it's US counterpart but also still mimicked it in terms of undertone. The aftertaste was more jam like in taste and the Fanta was quite high in carbonation. #Fanta #Grape #PuertoRico
Soda Fanta 500 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Orange from Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
Puerto Rico's Fanta are quite rare to stumble upon, especially given they're overshadowed by their US counterpart. But make no mistake, Puerto Rico's Fanta do use a different quantity and recipe and visually appear in tall cans and were using an older logo until recently. The Fantas made in Puerto Rico mirror the US flavour lineup, expect for the strawberry which was discontinued shortly into 2018. The flavours are grape, pineapple and berry, although berry might have been discontinued just last year as it didn't receive a design update. I got this Fanta online from someone in Puerto Rico and later reviewed it in coastal city of Dundee within the Firth of Tay area, just under 40 miles north of Edinburgh. All during late January of 2024. Dundee is a city known for it's V&A museum and its bridge that connects it to the town of St Andrew. This Fanta had an artificial orange flavour that was similar to the US counterpart but it was more sweet and had a longer lasting aftertaste with a lower amount of carbonation. #Fanta #Orange #PuertoRico
Soda Fanta 500 yenSoda Cataloguer
Fanta Misterio Red 2023 From Mexico 🇲🇽
Misterio meaning mystery, there have been a few different versions released throughout Latin America, every time having the usual rule of each country's version tasting slightly or quite a bit more different. The first version was a black Misterio, released in 2021, a light blue version followed in 2022 and after Misterio Red, a Beetlejuice edition Misterio for 2024. All of these were released for the month of October and stayed in production till the start of the new year. I got this Fanta online from someone in Mexico directly and later in early January of 2024, reviewed it in the resort town of Oban outside the town's brewery. Oban is in the north western region of Scotland and a part of the Argyll and Bute area. It's known for having many ferry services that run to some of the more distant islands in Scotland western front. This Fanta was strangely nice. It had a predominantly cherry flavour with a undertone of cinnamon and had a flavour similar to pop rocks candy. It was high in carbonation too. #Fanta #Cherry #Cinnamon #Mexico
Soda Fanta 700 yenSoda Cataloguer