Fanta Zero Sugar Lemon From Sweden 🇸🇪


The Fanta Zero Sugar lemon from Sweden appears very commonly throughout Reykjavik. Completely replacing the availability of the original Fanta lemon flavour of Iceland within the capital. Even convenience stores like Bónus, Hagkaup or Krónan typically have this version in stock over the usual Icelandic Fanta lemon.

I got this Fanta in the aforementioned city of Reykjavik, Iceland's capital, in a budget convenience store called Bónus. Later I reviewed it just outside the store. All during late February of 2024.

World's dispenser is not necessarily bad it has a metallic aftertaste the offsets the main citrus flavor it's light on the lemon flavour but it still got a nice clean citrus aftertaste that's also highly carbonated.
#Fanta #Lemon #Sweden
