PROMISES TO BURN - Janice Borla Group


PROMISES TO BURN - Janice Borla Group

1. Funkallero
2. Midnight Voyage
3. Some Other Time
4. Lennie’s Pennies
5. Silver Hollow
6. You Don’t Know What Love Is
7. RunFerYerLife
8. If You Could See Me Now

Janice Borla - voice
Scott Robinson - tenor saxophone / flute
Art Davis - trumpet / flugelhorn
John McLean - guitars
Bob Bowman - bass
Jack Mouse - drums

Recorded - September 26, 27 & 28, 2013

Tall Grass Records TG8281

全く未知のヴォーカリストのCD。買ったのは Jack DeJohnette の名曲中の名曲 Silver Hollow を取り上げているというそれだけの理由。
