The Beach Boys / 20/20 (US, Capitol Records, SKAO-133) <February 10, 1969>


The Beach Boys / 20/20 (US, Capitol Records, SKAO-133) <February 10, 1969>
(1) SKAO-1-133-W7
(2) SKAO-2-133-W7

"20/20" is the 15th studio album by American rock band the Beach Boys, released on February 10, 1969. The LP was named for being their 20th overall album release. Much of it consists of outtakes from earlier albums. It reached number 3 on UK record charts and number 68 in the US. Brian Wilson was absent during most of the album's recording after admitting himself into a psychiatric hospital, requiring brothers Carl and Dennis to retrieve several outtakes he had recorded years earlier. While Brian does not appear on the front cover, the inner gatefold of the original vinyl release features him alone, behind an eye examination chart.



本作収録前に、デニス・ウィルソンはチャールズ・マンソンに対する支援を行った。デニスはマンソンから「Cease to Exist」という曲の権利を100,000ドルで買い取り、本作に収録しようとした。結局は歌詞が変えられ「Never Learn Not to Love」として発表されたが、曲を気に入っていたマンソンはそのことに不満を示し、デニスに対し報復を示唆した。マンソンはその後シャロン・テートを殺害した罪で逮捕されたが、事件が明るみに出た後、ビーチ・ボーイズのメンバーは恐怖した。」


もちろんBrianのファンですけど、これを初めて聴いたときには「Brianがいなくてもいい作品作れるじゃん!!」と思いました。"Do it Again"も"I Can Hear Music"も"Cotton Fields"も大好きだし、もちろん「スマイル」の残り曲である"Our Prayer"も"Cabinessence"も素晴らしいですが、敢えてこの曲を・・・

"Never Learn Not To Love"

Cease to resist, come on say you love me
Give up your world, come on and be with me
I'm your kind, I'm your kind, and I see

Come on come on, ooo I love you pretty girl
My life is yours, and you can have my world
I'm your kind, I'm your kind, and I see

Never had a lesson I ever learned
I know I could never learn not to love you
Come in now closer
Come in closer closer closer ahhhh

Submission is a gift, give it to your lover
Love and understanding is for one another
I'm your kind, I'm your kind, and I see

Never had a lesson I ever learned
I know I could never learn not to love you
Come in now closer
Come in closer come in closer ahhhh

