’67 Camaro 2021 HW Dream Garage 2nd color
#ホットウィール #hotwheels Along with its precursor; the Custom Camaro of 1968, it is one of the top 5 most popular Hot Wheels castings (2nd only to the Volkswagen Drag Bus), the '67 Camaro was first released in 1983. With the exception of the Color Shifters series, it had always been released with a opening hood and both a metal body and base. Then in 2017 the tooling was refreshed with a non-opening hood and the base was changed to plastic for Mainline releases. Note that Harry Bradley designed the original Custom Camaro during the redline era. Larry Wood designed this car, and it was named \" '67 Camaro\" when it debuted in 1983. SKU No. https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/737
Chrome / Plastic Gold 1982 Larry Woodwindsurfcafe
'17 Acura NSX 2021 HW Turbo 148/250
#ホットウィール #hotwheels The Honda NSX, sold in North America as the Acura NSX, is a mid-engined high-performance sports car manufactured by Honda starting 2016; it revives a marque not used by Honda since 2005. Styled by Michelle Christensen, the second generation NSX was developed as part of a collaboration between Honda's US and Japanese arms. A hybrid sports car, the NSX is powered by a 3.5L JNC1 twin-turbocharged V6 with three electric motors, mated to a 9-speed dual clutch. The NSX was updated in 2019, with performance upgrades and minor aesthetic changes. The car was discontinued in 2022 with the introduction of a "Type S" model to commemorate the end of production. 2,908 were produced. SKU No. GTC58 2021 Mainline 148/250 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/870 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/531
Black / Plastic Red 2015 Ryu Asadawindsurfcafe
'99 Honda Civic Type R (EK9) 2021 HW J-Imports
Black / Plastic White 2020 Ryu Asadawindsurfcafe
【岩手】廣喜 純米わんこきょうだいカップ
純米酒 廣田酒造店 423円windsurfcafe
Cosmic Coupe 2021 Track Stars
#ホットウィール #hotwheels SKU No.
Satin Black / Metal Lime Green 2020 Dmitriy Shakhmatovwindsurfcafe
2020 Jaguar F-Type 2021 Factory Fresh
#ホットウィール #hotwheels SKU No. GTB71
Black / Plastic Metalflake Eiger Gray 2020 Ryu Asadawindsurfcafe
【高知】土佐路 金撰 花柄カップ つばき
2色のスクリーン印刷でつばきの意匠が表現されています。他になのはな、アネモネ、れんげ、すいせんがあります。 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/316 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/324 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/317 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/325
普通酒 高知酒造 232円windsurfcafe
【千葉】甲子 星座カップ 蟹座
12星座をあしらった愉しいカップデザインに純米酒を詰めました。 お祭り、誕生日、七夕、クリスマスなどイベントにもってこいのサイズ感、全ての星座に愛を込めて乾杯! 米本来の旨味成分を生かしたまろやかな口あたり、しっかりした味わいに酔いしれてください。 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/366 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/383
純米酒 飯沼本家 263円windsurfcafe
Porsche 914 Safari 2021 HW Exotics
ブリバリ後に更新します。 https://muuseo.com/windsurfcafe/items/190
Grey / Plastic White 2019 Dmitriy Shakhmatovwindsurfcafe
【高知】日乃出 桃太郎カップ
普通酒 文本酒造 263円windsurfcafe
【富山】有磯 曙 ワンカップ純米酒
純米酒 髙澤酒造場 330円windsurfcafe
Big Banana Car 2021 MBX Highway
#マッチボックス #matchbox
Black / Metal Yellow 2019 Thailandwindsurfcafe
【高知】桂月 銀杯カップ
本醸造 土佐酒造 267円windsurfcafe
【兵庫】龍力 誠龍カップ
本醸造 300円 リカーズハセガワ北口店windsurfcafe
【山形】羽前桜川 ワンカップ
桜川酒造 266円 おいしい山形プラザwindsurfcafe