Fanta Pina Colada From The US 🇺🇸
Pina Colada Fanta isn't super common in terms of international release although the US version is still apparently in circulation it still isn't that easily found, especially when imported to here in the United Kingdom. This Fanta flavour was obtained online and later reviewed in High Barnet of North West London just before the end of April in 2023. The pina colada taste was refreshing and had a creamy finish, having a stronger coconut flavour than pineapple. The pineapple flavour however appears more in the aftertaste. The carbonation was also mild. #Fanta #pinacolada #usa
Soda Fanta 1000 Yen (Equivalent)Soda Cataloguer
Fanta Grapefruit Toronja From the US 🇺🇸
So this Fanta was obtained in the same place as the WTF 2022 from Ukraine was, I think the store had old stock which is lucky for me. Fanta Grapefruit is a long standing flavour in the US, which was discontinued during 2016-2017 in the United States. I got this Fanta during April of 2023 in Borehamwood, a town north west of London in Hertfordshire county. Grapefruit Fanta isn't really my forte in terms of flavour. The United States version seems to have a strong flavour and is well carbonated, but it's also got a weak aftertaste and is a little bit lacking in a accurate grapefruit taste. #Fanta #Grapefruit #USA
Soda Fanta 250 Yen (equivalent)Soda Cataloguer
Fanta WTF 2022 From Ukraine 🇺🇦
So this Fanta was kinda rare especially as I reviewed after it was discontinued. I believe the official flavour was Exotic which was later released as a zero sugar version. Overall this was not a common Fanta in the United Kingdom to see so I was quite lucky. I got this Fanta flavour during April of 2023 in Borehamwood, a town on the north western outskirts of London. This Fanta was very peachy, I actually thought this was a peach mixed Fanta when I tried this. It had a hint of mango a light presence of that artificial sweetener taste which I kinda didn't like. #Fanta #Mystery #Ukraine
Soda Fanta 300 Yen (equivalent)Soda Cataloguer
Fanta Strawberry From Kuwait 🇰🇼
The amount of confusion I had after reviewing this Fanta on where it was from was huge. It was from Kuwait and this bottle just so happen to use an older design. Most of the Middle East uses the same bottle shape for their Fantas with very subtle changes like where the ® is or what colour it is. The main differences are in the ingredients on the top of the cap and the which country it's main in. Of course that's on the side of the thin cap which is usually heavily distorted and in Arabic which I can't read, yay. Kuwait Fantas get imported here often especially the Strawberry flavour along side the orange one with a red apple flavour that's a little rarer. I got this Fanta Strawberry in East Croydon nearby London during April 2023. This Fanta had a Strawberry jam flavour packed with sweetness and an abundance of artificial flavour which while nice it was a little overwhelming. It also had very little carbonation. #Fanta #Kuwait #Strawberry
Soda Fanta 400 Yen (equivalent)Soda Cataloguer
Fanta Hưong Cream Soda Trái cây From Vietnam 🇻🇳
So the store was a bit confused and placed a sticker that says this is a grape flavour despite having nothing to do with that. Fanta Tropical Cream Soda is Vietnam's version of the flavour sold in a few neighbouring countries. It's noticeably similar to Thailand's Green Tropical Fanta. However Vietnam actually had the same flavour for a little while before it was discontinued. I got this Fanta during April 2023 in East Croydon nearby London. The banana flavour is even stronger with this Fanta and it has a soothing cream flavour with a hint of pineapple in the aftertaste with subtle amountsof carbonation. Initially, I gave this flavour a high score but since then have lower it to about a 5/10. #Fanta #creamsoda #Vietnam
Soda Fanta 350 Yen (equivalent)Soda Cataloguer
Fanta Shokata From Bosnia & Herzegovina 🇧🇦
So throughout Eastern Europe, Fanta Shokata is a common flavour with various degrees in recipe and flavour. Bosnia's is the most commonly exported Shokata Fanta to the United Kingdom with there being some significantly rarer versions throughout the globe. I got this Fanta during April of 2023 in Luton, a town nearby London, in a nearby Sri Lankan shop by a busway. I do not recommend going to Luton. This Fanta had a predominantly lemon flavour with hints of a sweet elderflower taste, balanced but overall not very strong or flavourful, it was well carbonated though. #Fanta #Bosnia #shokata
Soda Fanta 250 Yen (equivalent)Soda Cataloguer
Fanta Watermelon Zero From The United Kingdom 🇬🇧
This Watermelon Fanta was available in the UK for a little while and was apocalyptic in how bad the flavour was tasting like the rinde of a Watermelon was soaked in water for a week and then the water put in these bottles, it was discontinued before the end of the year. This Fanta I got in Northampton a major town in the UK during April of 2023 The watered down borderline sample flavour of Watermelon in this Fanta was just awful with it being very carbonated but also having an artificial sweetener taste which was metallic. #Fanta #Watermelon #UnitedKingdom
Soda Fanta 180 Yen (Equivalent)Soda Cataloguer
Fanta Grape From Japan 🇯🇵
So this Fanta Grape was just as common as the orange flavour although it's nowadays mainly imported as Aluminium bottle. This one also had an import sticker which I didn't remove. I got this along side the Fanta Orange from Japan in Stevenage during April of 2023 The artificial grape flavour that this Fanta had I wasn't too sure about. It's sweet and still has a nice aftertaste but the flavour was dampened compared to another grape flavoured Fantas. Very carbonated though. #Fanta #Grape #Japan
Soda Fanta 380 Yen (equivalent)Soda Cataloguer
Fanta Orange From Japan 🇯🇵
This is probably the most common Fanta for everyone in Japan, it pops up here once in a while usually in the summer or late winter. This Fanta was obtained in Stevenage during April of 2023. Your local orange Fanta does seem quite carbonated to say the least and the artificial orange flavour has sought of a mix, it's almost like a natural & artificial flavoured beverage. I'd drink it over our locally produced version in the United Kingdom. #Fanta #japan #orange
Soda Fanta 380 Yen (equivalent)Soda Cataloguer
Fanta Zero Mango From Romania 🇷🇴
I wanted to follow up with another Fanta from Romania given their commonality here in the United Kingdom. Mango Fantas are somewhat rare but the Romanian version is one of the easiest to find. I got this Fanta in April of 2023 in a town called Stevenage in Hertfordshire county. The artificial sweetener taste ruined this for me, although the mango flavour was quite a bit more smoother than some of the previous versions out before it like the US variation. The carbonation was pretty low and the flavour was a bit watered down. #Fanta #Mango #Romanian
Soda Fanta 250 Yen (equivalent)Soda Cataloguer