Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV (2009, SHM-CD, JP, Reissue, Limited)
Ian Stewart Jimmy Page John Bonham John Paul Jones小鉄ダディ
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II (2009, SHM-CD, JP, Reissue, Limited)
Jimmy Page John Bonham John Paul Jones Led Zeppelin小鉄ダディ
The Beatles - In Mono (Mono CDボックスセット)
発売日 : 2009.9.9 #Please_Please_Me_(in_Mono) #With_the_Beatles_(in_Mono) #A_Hard_Days_Night_(in_Mono) #Beatles_for_Sale_(in_Mono) #Help!_(in_Mono) #Rubber_Soul_(in_Mono) #Revolver_(in_Mono) #Sgt_Peppers_Lonely_Heart_Club_Band_(in_Mono) #Magical_Mystery_Tour_(in_Mono) #The_Beatles_(in_Mono) #Mono_Masters #The_Beatles #John_Lennon #Paul_McCartney #George_Harrison #Ringo_Starr #The_Beatles_in_Mono #George_Martin
The Beatles 2009年 The Beatles in Mono Rock小鉄ダディ
The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour (ステレオCD / 2009 JP)
【レーベル】Apple Records : TOCP-71029 【発表】1967 【発売】2009 【チャート】US1位 —————————————————— 【収録曲】 1. Magical Mystery Tour 2. The Fool on the Hill 3. Flying 4. Blue Jay Way 5. Your Mother Should Know 6. I Am the Walrus 7. Hello, Goodbye 8. Strawberry Fields Forever 9. Penny Lane 10. Baby, You're a Rich Man 11. All You Need Is Love —————————————————— 【The Beatles】 John Lennon Paul McCartney George Harrison Ringo Starr —————————————————— 【Production】 P : Goerge Martin E : Geoff Emerick, Ken Scott 2E :
The Beatles The Beatles (ステレオCDボックス) Rock Magical Mystery Tour小鉄ダディ
The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (ステレオCD / 2009 JP)
【レーベル】Apple Records : TOCP-71028 【発表】1967 【発売】2009 【チャート】UK1位 / US1位 —————————————————— 【収録曲】 1. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 2. With a Little Help from My Friends 3. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds 4. Getting Better 5. Fixing a Hole 6. She's Leaving Home 7. Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! 8. Within You Without You 9. When I'm Sixty-Four 10. Lovely Rita 11. Good Morning Good Morning 12. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) 13. A Day in the Life —————————————————— 【The Beatles】 John Lennon Paul McCartney George Harrison Ringo Starr —————————————————— 【Production】 P : Goerge Martin E : Geoff Emerick 2E :
The Beatles The Beatles (ステレオCDボックス) Rock Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band小鉄ダディ
The Beatles - Revolver (ステレオCD / 2009 JP)
【レーベル】 Apple Records : TOCP-71027 【発表】1966 【発売】2009 【チャート】UK1位 —————————————————— 【収録曲】 1. Taxman 2. Eleanor Rigby 3. I'm Only Sleeping 4. Love You To 5. Here, There and Everywhere 6. Yellow Submarine 7. She Said She Said 8. Good Day Sunshine 9. And Your Bird Can Sing 10. For No One 11. Doctor Robert 12. I Want to Tell You 13. Got to Get You into My Life 14. Tomorrow Never Knows —————————————————— 【The Beatles】 John Lennon Paul McCartney George Harrison Ringo Starr —————————————————— 【Production】 P : Goerge Martin E : Geoff Emerick 2E :
The Beatles The Beatles (ステレオCDボックス) Rock Revolver小鉄ダディ
The Beatles - Rubber Soul (ステレオCD / 2009 JP)
【レーベル】 Apple Records : TOCP-71026 【発表】1965 【発売】2009 【チャート】UK1位 —————————————————— 【収録曲】 1. Drive My Car 2. Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 3. You Won't See Me 4. Nowhere Man 5. Think for Yourself 6. The Word 7. Michelle 8. What Goes On 9. Girl 10. I'm Looking Through You 11. In My Life 12. Wait 13. If I Needed Someone 14. Run for Your Life —————————————————— 【The Beatles】 John Lennon Paul McCartney George Harrison Ringo Starr —————————————————— 【Production】 P : Goerge Martin E : Norman Smith, スチュワート・エルサム 2E : Ken Scott, Phil McDonald, マイク・ストーン, グレアム・プラット
The Beatles The Beatles (CDボックスセット) Rock Rubber Soul小鉄ダディ
The Beatles - Help! (ステレオCD / 2009 JP)
【レーベル】Apple Records : TOCP-71025 【発表】1965 【発売】2009 【チャート】UK1位 —————————————————— 【収録曲】 1. Help! 2. The Night Before 3. You've Got to Hide Your Love Away 4. I Need You 5. Another Girl 6. You're Going to Lose That Girl 7. Ticket to Ride 8. Act Naturally 9. It's Only Love 10. You Like Me Too Much 11. Tell Me What You See 12. I've Just Seen a Face 13. Yesterday 14. Dizzy Miss Lizzy —————————————————— 【The Beatles】 John Lennon Paul McCartney George Harrison Ringo Starr —————————————————— 【Production】 P : Goerge Martin E : Norman Smith 2E : Ken Scott, Phil McDonald, ジェリー・ボイズ, マルコム・デイヴィス
The Beatles The Beatles (ステレオCDボックス) Rock Help!小鉄ダディ
The Beatles - Beatles for Sale (ステレオCD / 2009 JP)
#The_Beatles #Beatles_for_Sale #The_Beatles_Stereo_Box #CD ◾️収録曲 1. No Reply 2. I'm a Loser 3. Baby's in Black 4. Rock and Roll Music 5. I'll Follow the Sun 6. Mr. Moonlight 7. Kansas City / Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey 8. Eight Days a Week 9. Words of Love 10. Honey Don't 11. Every Little Thing 12. I Don't Want to Spoil the Party 13. What You're Doing 14. Everybody's Trying to Be My Baby
The Beatles Rock Beatles for Sale The Beatles: Stereo Box小鉄ダディ
The Beatles (ステレオCDボックス / 2009 JP)
#The_Beatles #The_Beatles_Stereo_Box #CD ◾️収録アルバム 1. #Please_Please_Me 2. #With_the_Beatles 3. #A_Hard_Day’s_Night 4. #Beatles_for_Sale 5. #Help! 6. #Rubber_Soul 7. #Revolver 8. #Sgt._Pepper’s_Lonely_Hearts_Club_Band 9. #Magical_Mystery_Tour 10. #The_Beatles 11. #Yellow_Submarine 12. #Abbey_Road 13. #Let_It_Be 14. #Past_Masters Vol. 1&2 15. The Mini Documentaries
The Beatles Rock Please Please Me The Beatles in Stereo小鉄ダディ