- My_CD_Collection Museum
- 32F My CD Collection【Various Artists】
- Grand 12-inches 13
Grand 12-inches 13
Grand 12-inches 13 (Disc 1) / Various 01/01/15 Sony Music Entertainment 88875080092 輸入 ¥2,707 Compilation (Dance) 1:16:05 10 輸入盤 中古 12inch Remix 7d11d50a
Artist : Various Artists
Album : Grand 12-Inches 13 (Disc 1)
Genre : Disco
Year : 2015
Tracks : 10
Playtime : 01:16:05
01. Dance, Dance, Dance (Yowsah, Yowsah, Yowsah) (12" Mix) / Chic (08:22)
02. Feel So Real (Vocal/Extended Version) / Steve Arrington (06:48)
03. Found A Cure (12" Disco Mix) / Ashford & Simpson (07:04)
04. Starlette (Album Version) / The Brooklyn, Bronx And Queens Band (05:01)
05. Walkin' On Sunshine (Special Disco Mix) / Rockers Revenge feat. Donnie Calvin (09:34)
06. Keep On Jumpin' (Remix) / Musique (07:03)
07. Keep On (Long Version) / D-Train (09:31) ♪
08. Come To Me (Original Album Version) / France Joli (09:53)
09. Street Level (Album Version) / Zinc (06:11)
10. Souvenirs (12" Version) / Voyage (06:34)
Grand 12-inches 13 (Disc 2) / Various 01/01/15 Sony Music Entertainment 88875080092 〃 〃 Compilation (Dance) 1:15:27 11 輸入盤 中古 12inch Remix a011af0b
Artist : Various Artists
Album : Grand 12-Inches 13 (Disc 2)
Genre : Disco
Year : 2015
Tracks : 11
Playtime : 01:15:27
01. Every I's A Winner (Ben Liebrand Extended Groove Mix) / Hot Chocolate (06:43)
02. Ain't Gonna Bump No More (With No Big Fat Woman) (Special Disco Version) / Joe Tex (06:41)
03. Keep The Fire Burning (12" Verson) / Gwen McCrae (06:57)
04. Love Has Come Around (Album Version) / Donald Byrd And 125th Street,N.Y.C. (07:49)
05. I Didn't Mean To Turn You On (Special Version) / Cherrelle (07:05) ♪
06. Let Me Show You (Long Vocal Version) / Larry Wu (06:30)
07. Let's Talk (Extended Version) / One Way (06:22)
08. Female Intuition (Intuition Mix) / Mai Tai (06:31)
09. Make Your Body Move (Original Album Version) / J.R. Funk & The Love Machine (08:01)
10. Eye Of The Tiger (Long Vocal Version) / Nighthawk (05:32) ♪
11. Lite Me Up (12" Version) / Herbie Hancock (07:09)
Grand 12-inches 13 (Disc 3) / Various 01/01/15 Sony Music Entertainment 88875080092 〃 〃 Compilation (Dance) 1:12:33 11 輸入盤 中古 12inch Remix 9a11010b
Artist : Various Artists
Album : Grand 12-inches 13 (Disc 3)
Genre : Disco
Year : 2015
Tracks : 11
Playtime : 01:12:33
01. Do Ya Wanna Funk (12" Version) / Patrick Cowley feat. Sylvester (06:54) ♪
02. Your Love (Remix) / Lime (07:11)
03. Try It Out (Vocal - Long Version) / Gino Soccio (08:13)
04. Palace Palace (Album Version) / Who's Who (05:57)
05. Dirty Talk (European Connection) / Klein & M.B.O. (08:27)
06. Ite Missa Est (Album Version) / Martin Circus (06:40)
07. Savage Lover (Long Version - Vocal) / The Ring (06:50)
08. Magic Fly (Album Version) / Space (04:22)
09. Don't Waste My Time (New Extended Version) / Paul Hardcastle feat. Carol Kenyon (05:35)
10. Takin' It Straight (Original Version) / Cori Josias (06:19)
11. Takin' It Straight (Dub Version) / Cori Josias (06:01)
Grand 12-inches 13 (Disc 4) / Various 01/01/15 Sony Music Entertainment 88875080092 〃 〃 Compilation (Dance) 1:12:49 9 輸入盤 中古 12inch Remix 8a111109
Artist : Various Artists
Album : Grand 12-inches 13 (Disc 4)
Genre : Disco
Year : 2015
Tracks : 9
Playtime : 01:12:49
01. We Are Family (Album Version) / Sister Sledge (08:22)
02. Never, Never Gonna Give Ya Up (Album Version) / Barry White (08:00)
03. The Glow Of Love (Long Version) / Change (08:24)
04. The Finest (Extended Version) / S.O.S. Band (06:40)
05. Where Is The Love (We Used To Know) (12" Version) / Delegation (06:37)
06. What Do I Do? (Carnival Mix) / Phil Fearon & Galaxy (10:31)
07. Why (12" Version) / Carly Simon (08:11)
08. What You Won't Do For Love (Long Version) / Bobby Caldwell (05:23) ♪
09. Sueño Latino (The Paradise Version) / Sueño Latino with Manuel Göttsching performing E2-E4 (10:37)
#Chic #SteveArrington #Ashford&Simpson #JimmySimpson #TheBrooklyn,BronxAndQueensBand #RockersRevenge #DonnieCalvin #ArthurBaker #John”Jellybean”Benitez #Musique #FrançoisKevorkian #D-Train #FranceJoli #Zinc #Voyage #HotChocolate #BenLiebrand #JoeTex #GwenMcCrae #DonaldByrdAnd125thStreet,N.Y.C. #Cherrelle #LarryWu #OneWay #MaiTai #J.R.Funk&TheLoveMachine #Nighthawk #HerbieHancock #PatrickCowley #Sylvester #Lime #GinoSoccio #Who’sWho #Klein&MBO #MartinCircus #TheRing #Space #PaulHardcastle #CarolKenyon #CoriJosias #JohnLuongo #SisterSledge #BarryWhite #Change #S.O.S.Band #Delegation #PhilFearon&Galaxy #LaurieJago #PhilFearon #CarlySimon #BobbyCaldwell #SueñoLatino #ManuelGöttsching #E2-E4
↓What You Won't Do For Love (Long Version) / Bobby Caldwell
My CD Collection
2025/02/03Do Ya Wanna Funk (12" Version) / Patrick Cowley feat. Sylvester
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2025/02/03Keep On (Long Version) / D-Train
My CD Collection
2025/02/03Eye Of The Tiger (Long Vocal Version) / Nighthawk
My CD Collection
2025/02/03I Didn't Mean To Turn You On (Special Version) / Cherrelle