Dance Classics - Best Of Vol.4


Dance Classics - Best Of Vol.4 (Disc 1) / Various  01/01/11  Universal Music / Rodeo Media  533 460-6  輸入  ¥1,649  Compilation (Disco)  1:13:29   10  輸入盤 中古  12inch Remix    8311390a

Artist : Various Artists
Album : Dance Classics - Best Of Vol.4 (Disc 1)
Genre : Disco
Year : 2011
Tracks : 10
Playtime : 01:13:29

01. The Lover In Me (Extended Version) / Sheena Easton (06:57) ♪
02. Teardrops (Extended Remix) / Womack & Womack (07:38)
03. We Got Our Own Thang (Club Version) / Heavy D & The Boyz (05:49)
04. Say It Say It / E.G. Daily (06:47)
05. Bedrock (Clubmix) / Georgio (06:09)
06. Sleep Talk (Extended Version) / Alyson Williams (07:56)
07. Real Love (12" Extended Version) / Jody Watley (07:03)
08. Roses Are Red (Extended Version) / Mac Band Feat. The Mccampbell Brothers (09:31)
09. Paid In Full (The Coldcut Remix) / Eric B. & Rakim (07:08)
10. (You're Puttin') A Rush On Me (Extended Club Mix) / Stephanie Mills (08:28)
Dance Classics - Best Of Vol.4 (Disc 2) / Various  01/01/11  Universal Music / Rodeo Media  533 460-6  〃  〃  Compilation (Disco)  1:12:25   10  輸入盤 中古  12inch Remix    9a10f90a

Artist : Various Artists
Album : Dance Classics - Best Of Vol.4 (Disc 2)
Genre : Disco
Year : 2011
Tracks : 10
Playtime : 01:12:25

01. Finally (12" Choice Mix) / Ce Ce Peniston (07:04) ♪
02. A Love Supreme / Will Downing (06:49)
03. The Right Stuff (Extended Version) / Vanessa Williams (05:40)
04. (Baby Tell Me) Can You Dance / Shanice (07:01)
05. I'm Not Going To Let You (Get The Best Of Me) / Colonel Abrams (06:50)
06. Mercedes Boy / Pebbles (07:21)
07. Poison (Extended Club Version) / Bell Biv DeVoe (07:06)
08. The Night You Murdered Love (Sheer Chic Mix) / ABC (08:16)
09. Her / Guy (08:34)
10. You Better Quit (Radio Edit) / One Way (07:40)
Dance Classics - Best Of Vol.4 (Disc 3) / Various  01/01/11  Universal Music / Rodeo Media  533 460-6  〃  〃  Compilation (Disco)  1:07:18   10  輸入盤 中古  12inch Remix    8c0fc60a

Artist : Various Artists
Album : Dance Classics - Best Of Vol.4 (Disc 3)
Genre : Disco
Year : 2011
Tracks : 10
Playtime : 01:07:18

01. Back And Forth / Cameo (06:24)
02. Right On Track (Local Mix) / Breakfast Club (07:11)
03. Once Bitten Twice Shy / Vesta Williams (06:01)
04. Yéké Yéké / Mory Kanté (06:21)
05. Don't Be Cruel / Bobby Brown (06:49)
06. Boops (Here To Go) / Sly & Robbie (05:24)
07. Walk The Dinosaur / Was (Not Was) (06:03)
08. Heartache (Dot & Daisy's Club Remix) / Pepsi & Shirlie (07:21) ♪
09. Don't Rock The Boat / Midnight Star (07:14)
10. You're Not My Kind Of Girl (Extended Version) / New Edition (08:25)

#SheenaEaston #Womack&Womack #HeavyD&TheBoyz #E.G.Daily #Georgio #AlysonWilliams #JodyWatley #MacBandFeat.TheMcCampbellBrothers #EricB.&Rakim #StephanieMills #CeCePeniston #WillDowning #VanessaWilliams #Shanice #ColonelAbrams #Pebbles #BellBivDevoe #ABC #Guy #OneWay #Cameo #BreakfastClub #VestaWilliams #MoryKanté #BobbyBrown #Sly&Robbie #WasNotWas #Pepsi&Shirley #MidnightStar #NewEdition

↓The Lover In Me (Extended Version) / Sheena Easton

