Joe Woodard / Between


01. Its Merry Path [4:09]
02. Lots Of Time [4:25]
03. Between [3:50]
04. Anthony Robbins [3:35]
05. Grown Men Cry [3:59]
06. The Strangest Thing [3:40]
07. Drinking In Earnest [4:50]
08. (Cartilage: Inverted Light) [1:39]
09. The Having Known [5:28]
10. New Flash (Tronto Blues Society) [6:15]
11. The Seven-Year Itch [5:08]
12. (Cartliage: Birthday, Slight Return) [2:03]
13. Otherwise [4:02]
14. The Beauty Of Caving In [4:30]
15. Sweet Pain [3:42]
16. The Birthday [4:13]
17. The Unbearable Art Of Traveling Light [4:30]

Joe Woodard [Guitars, Vocals, Ukeleles on M12]
Ellen Turner [B/G Vocals on M1/3/4, Vocals on M15]
Chris Symer [Bass] on M2/4/7/10/13/15~17
Allegra Heidelinde [B/G Vocals] on M2/16/17
Tom Lackner [Drums on M4/6/7/9/10/13/15/16, Percussion on M3, Struck on M3, Bowed on M3, Marimba on M10, Ethereal Percussives on M17]
Gabe Lackner [Melodica] on M4
Glen Phillips [B/G Vocals on M6/9, Guitar (Rhythm) on M9, Guitar (Solo) on M9, Conga on M9, Knobbery on M9]
Bruce Winter [Bass on M6/9, Vocal on M7, B/G Vocal on M9, VCF-Tweakage on M10, Waveform Massage on M10, "Flutes" on M13]
Bill Flores [Pedal Steel] on M7/15
Tom Buckner [Tenor Saxophone] on M10
Jennifer Terran [Friendly Ghost Vocal] on M10
Dick Dunlap [Wurlitzer Electric Piano on M10, Piano on M15/17]
Nate Birkey [Trumpet(s)] on M13
Robinson Eikenberry [Vocals] on M15
Sally Barr [Violin] on M17

Produced by Necessity
Co-Produced by Robinson Eikenberry, Bruce Winter, Glen Phillips
Recorded by Robinson Eikenberry [M1~5/7/12/14~17], Bruce Winter [M6/7/9~11/13/15], Glen Phillips [M6/9]
Mixed by Robinson Eikenberry [M1~5/7/12/14~17], Bruce Winter [M6/7/9~11/13/15], Glen Phillips [M6/9]
