初版 2023/08/27 07:02

改訂 2023/08/27 07:02

Last weekend, I paid a visit to the pop-up exhibit  Greg Maletic  hosted in the offices of Panic in downtown  Portland  (Oregon). The expo presented 250 calculators from  1968 to 1983  from Greg's collection. If you don't know, Panic is the company that brought to market the  Playdate  pocket console – the yellow one with the crank analog controller! So, if you recognize the iconic console in some of the pictures I took, you know why !  

Greg organized the expo in  thematic sections :  Miniaturization ,  TI ,  HP ,  Eastern Europe ,  Golden Age ,  European Design ,  Executive Suite , etc. Two aspects of the expo struck me. First, all the exposed calculators – and yes, we could touch and use them – are in  perfect shape , and many are in working conditions—a remarkable feat for the older models bearing gorgeous nixie displays like the  Sony SOBAX ICC-100W  from 1967.  

Second, the calculators were  beautifully showcased  in the Panic offices. For instance, the Eastern European section was set up in a meeting room with a strong  '70s vibe . And that's precisely what Greg plans to develop:  build an ecrin  around his beloved calculators. To do so, he intends to use period furniture, art, etc. Such a historical context will showcase even better the calculators!  

When I asked Greg which calculator was his favorite, without much hesitation, he pointed to his first, a  TI-5100  from 1976, for its design and color scheme.  Design  is truly a leitmotiv of the exposition, with gorgeous models such as the  Sears 78  or  C1 ,  Olivetti LOGOS 59 ,  Carrett 2000 ,  Singer Friden Calculator , etc. I am not a specialist in the period, but I discovered many calculators and brands  I have never seen . Humbling!  

Greg will continue sharing his collection, so if you are in Portland's region, get on the mailing list by emailing  info@calculators1968.com , and keep an eye on the website ( here ). I look forward to returning to the '70s again as Greg expands his collection and its environment.


Calculators in Portland – Jamel Tayeb

Last weekend, I paid a visit to the pop-up exhibit Greg Maletic hosted in the offices of Panic in downtown Portland (Oregon). The expo presented 250 calculators from 1968 to 1983 from Greg's collection. If you don't know, Panic is the company that brought to market the Playdate pocket console – the yellow one with…




Thank you, Greg, for the time travel and your hospitality!




Hello, I'm Jamel Tayeb! My passion lies in DIY projects, electronics, vintage computers, calculators, aviation, and more. I've always been fascinated by the intersection of technology and creativity. For me, computers are not just tools; they are an art form that allows for endless possibilities of expression.

Back in 1981, I fell head over heels for computers, and I've been hooked ever since. Give me a computer and a power source, and I can make anything! I've always considered computers to be more than mere tools; they are instrumental in shaping our societies and have become key instruments for creation and invention.

While some may view computers solely as utilitarian devices, I firmly believe they hold immense artistic potential. I'm curious to hear from fellow creators about how they use computers in their own creative processes. Sure, we all need computers to share our creations, but what about during the inception and realization stages? I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences.

Throughout my creative journey, I've explored various ventures. In the late 80s and early 90s, I was captivated by computer graphics. Back then, image synthesis was still in its infancy, and I dreamt of simulating the entire universe with the right models and sufficient computing power. It was during this time that I had the opportunity to work with an interdisciplinary team at the Centre d'Informatique et de Méthodologie en Architecture (CIMA), where I contributed to developing 3D software. This experience sparked my fascination with the algorithmic beauty of nature and the limitless possibilities of algorithms themselves.

Generative algorithms have played a significant role in my creative pursuits. Cellular automata, like Conway's Game of Life, have inspired me to recognize biological patterns, such as those seen in seashells. I've also explored algorithms inspired by the morphogenesis of multi-cellular organisms. I firmly believe that an organism is the expression of a program, and there is much we can learn from biology and physics when it comes to massively parallel programming. It's incredible to witness the beauty of these programs and the art they can create.

I'm passionate about sharing knowledge and inspiring others. If you're interested in generative design, I highly recommend exploring Processing, an open-source software designed with creators in mind. It provides a straightforward programming language and focuses on graphic arts and dynamic performances. Additionally, books like "Generative Design" by Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Groß, and Julia Laub can serve as valuable resources.

I'm always open to discussions and feedback on these fascinating topics. I would love to hear your experiences and thoughts! Together, let's continue pushing the boundaries of technology and creativity in the ever-evolving world we live in.

