RIP Robin Lumley (March 9, 2023, aged 74)

初版 2023/03/12 10:31

ブランドXの創設メンバー キーボーディストのロビン・ラムリー死去 - amass

英国のジャズ・ロック/フュージョン・バンド、ブランドX(Brand X)の創設メンバーであるキーボーディストのロビン・ラムリー(Robin Lumley)が死去。74歳でした

プログレッシヴ・ロック専門店 WORLD DISQUE 店長中島のプログレな日々  【訃報】BRAND X のキーボード奏者 ロビン・ラムリー (ROBIN LUMLEY) さん死去

東京・目白にあるWORLD DISQUE(ワールドディスク)はシンフォニック・ロックやジャズ・ロック、チェンバー・ロック等を得意とするプログレッシヴ・ロックのスペシャリストです。プログレッシヴなブログを展開中!!

Very sad to hear the news of ROBIN... - Official Brand X | Facebook

Very sad to hear the news of ROBIN LUMLEY passing over yesterday (1948-2023). A brilliant keyboardist, clever composer, seasoned producer, founding...

/ Brand X: Robin Lumley has died

Robin Lumley, a member of the jazz / fusion band Brand X, passed away on 9 March.

Goodbye, Robin Lumley |

Arguably the best jazz-rock keyboard player to have come out of Blighty, Robin Lumley, who passed away on March 9th at the age of 75, was instrumental in forming the British fusion scene of the ’70s and, thus, influenced the entire genre. If not for him, there would be no BRAND X, the revolutionary band Robin initiated to stay with, leave and come back to further down the line, and no the ambitious reading of Prokofiev’s “Peter And The Wolf” that he designed with Jack Lancaster to involve such elite players as Manfred Mann and Gary Brooker – to name only ivories drivers whose participance showed Lumley was never afraid of healthy competition.

World of GenesisさんはTwitterを使っています: 「RIP to co-founding Brand X member Robin Lumley. A true talent.」 / Twitter


Robin Lumley - Official Brand X

Robin Lumley © 1979, photo by Stephen Heliczer Robin Lumley Original and founding member of Brand X: supremely fluid and melodic keyboard player and composer of some the band's finest piecesIn 1974, Robin St. John Lumley, a former David Bowie keyboard man in the latter incarnation of "The Spiders From Mars", invited bass player Percy Jones to jam with Jack

Unorthodox Behaviour / Brand X

My CD Collection

Moroccan Roll / Brand X

My CD Collection

Livestock / Brand X

My CD Collection

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